Gun buy-back

So far over 2, 700 guns have been collected and will be destroyed. The Toronto Police are paying $200 for a long gun and $350 for a handgun. If the gun is connected to a crime, it may be kept, but those who return them, even if they are on court conditions to not possess weapons will not be charged.

Racial Profiling

There has been a lot of commentary in the media about racial profiling and carding by police. Which means that the police are focusing on a particular group or race, stopping and investigating these group members more than other groups. Recently, the police have been using these stops to gather information about members of the group, their friends and associates- that is carding them (filling out information). The police have stated that they need these investigative stops and information to know who is doing what for future cases.

Members of the group that the police focus on, are concerned and want profiling and carding to stop. Although, the Toronto Police Service have stopped the practice, municipalities such as Peel still card.

What does that mean for a community member. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms states that the you have a right to not be subject to unreasonable stops and searches, and you have a right to be told of why you are being stopped. However, the police have a right to investigate criminal matters that they are called about and to stop and investigate anyone, to find out if they are the culprit, or know something about the matter. Which means the police have a right to stop and investigate a particular matter.

If the police, are not investigating a particular recent offense, you have the right to not answer any questions, (such as providing your name or address) or to not consent to the search of your person (pockets, bags, knapsacks) and walk away.

You can ask the officer for their badge number and name, ask for their business card. If not provided to you, take a note of the squad car license plate, the time, date and area you are in.
With this information, you can make a complaint to the police division.

Driving Impaired and Over 80

In Canada, having .80 milligrams of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood is a criminal offence. While in Ontario, your license can be suspended for 3 days and your car impounded if you as a driver have .50 milligrams of alcohol in 100 millilitrers of blood.

If you are found guilty of Over 80, you will have a criminal conviction – a permanent criminal record, you will not be able to drive anywhere in Canada for at least 1 year and will have to pay a minimum fine of $1000 plus a victim fine surcharge. To be able to drive again, you will have to pay any outstanding fines both criminal and Ministry of Transportation fines and charges, pay for and install an Ignition Interlock Device in your car for at least one year, and obtain insurance, which will be very costly.

If you are charged with Impaired Driving, you may have not blown over .80, but your driving was affected by the alcohol in your system. You could be charged with Impaired Driving, if you are in a collusion, even if it is only you and your vehicle. If you do get into an accident and you are charged with driving while alcohol is in your body, your insurance will no longer cover you. The criminal penalties are the same as the Over .80.

IF you refuse to provide a breath sample, you will be charged with Refuse to Provide Breath Sample and have the same criminal penalties as the Over 80 or Impaired offences outlined above.

Losing your right to drive and getting a criminal record will have a big impact on your life, work and ability to travel. If you are charged with Impaired, Over .80 or Refuse to Provide Breath Sample, please contact our office right away, so we can properly advise you as to your next steps.

Do not plead guilty until you get advice from our office at 416-469-3443.

Please note, we do not take legal aid certificates for Over .80, Impaired or Refuse to Provide Breath Sample offenses.

Represent your self in criminal court

There are many stages of the case, where you need to pay attention.

1. Investigation and Arrest;
2. Bail;
3. Pre-trial & Disclosure;
4. Meeting with the Crown Attorney or judge;
5. Preparing for trial;
6. Trial Process;
7. Sentencing.

If you want to represent yourself and need some advice. Please call our office at 416-469-3443 or email us at

Let sleeping guns lie…

A young Toronto student, brings a gun to school. In the future, he should call an adult or police officer and not touch it as he could get hurt or charged.